When to Consider Utilizing an Enclosed Track Overhead Conveyor System
Enclosed track conveyor made its appearance in the mid-1940s and has since come a long way in the capabilities that it offers. With the ability to utilize overhead space, achieve a tighter turn radius and reduce noise, the enclosed track conveyor is a fit to solve a variety of material handling challenges. Here are a few scenarios in which an overhead conveyor system is the best possible solution.
Does your application require painting/finishing?
High usage of an Enclosed Track Overhead Conveyor System is seen in facilities that are repeatedly painting products. Because the enclosed track design is outside of the paint area, it reduces the amount of overspray that can get on the conveyor and cause problems over time. Because the chain is also enclosed in the track, you reduce the chance of foreign material contaminating your painted product or messing up the finish.
C&D recently partnered with a major golf cart manufacturer that needed a conveyor to clean and paint fabricated parts. Sophisticated computer-controlled material tracking technology routes parts through the correct color paint booth before heading to cure oven.
Does your application require elevation change and/or change in direction?
Because of the tighter radius, the enclosed track achieves change in elevation using minimal floor space. The universal link chain associated with Unibilt’s Enclosed Track Overhead Conveyors flexes 90 degrees both horizontally and vertically allowing for a smooth and efficient change in elevation.
Does your application use assembly lines?
Assembly lines often use enclosed track conveyors to deliver parts to a bigger product such as lawnmowers, ATVs etc. Hanging conveyors are an economical way to move products that don’t sit well on typical belted or roller conveyors. They also allow for better access to each side of the product because you don’t have permanent conveyor installed on the floor that you to have maneuver around or over.
Overhead power & free systems allow the customer to have an asynchronous assembly line which enables the worker to stop the line and work on the part while it’s stationary.
Is reduced noise critical to your application?
By design, the chain runs within the enclosed track, therefore the noise is kept to a minimum. C&D Project Manager, Richard Jeffrey, spearheaded a job with a large clothing manufacturer and administered noise testing in various places. The only point that got any kind of noticeable reading was right under the drive where caterpillar dogs were engaging the conveyor chain but even then it was less than 60 DBs.
The Unibilt Enclosed track system also has a nylon wheel chain available that makes noise virtually non-existent. There is a small clicking sound where the caterpillar chain is engaging the conveyor chain, but it is still very quiet. C&D designed a system for a large software development company that had to go through an office area necessitating the need for keeping noise to a minimum. The project manager on the job, Del Logan is quoted as saying, “You can put your ear right up to the side of the track and you can’t even hear the chain moving.” Now that is a quiet running conveyor!
Call an expert at 1-877-355-1511 to help with a design or visit our website for more information.